Notes on privacy and security

The Ultimate Dashboard for Jira application is an Atlassian Connect Cloud application, which means that for it to be actually useful, it needs access to an organization’s projects and issues. Given how sensitive and important an organization’s data can be, the Ultimate Dashboard for Jira application follows some very simple design policies.

Your data is your data and we don’t have access!


This means that when a dashboard is loaded up with Ultimate Dashboard for Jira gadgets, those gadgets will never send any information back to our servers because the entire system is based on a client-side-only model.


All interaction with Jira happens within the gadget <iframe>s through the Atlassian Connect JavaScript API, which means that if there are a lot of issues (1,000+) present in the organization and they’re all included in an Ultimate Two Dimensional Statistics table, the browser is going to consume more memory than possibly expected. Thus it is always recommended to tailor the Custom JQL and other such gadget issue filter settings to ensure that only the issues you need included are queried for.


The only information sent back to any sort of not-Atlassian server would be our usage of Google Analytics to gather basic statistics for support and marketing purposes… and of course this information does not include anything specific or private to any organization which has installed the Ultimate Dashboard for Jira application.



Ultimate Dashboard for Jira